WebStore Booking GUIDE
Individual Booking
From our website, you may find our booking page at the top left corner.
Or type booking.poshnailspa.my in your browser address bar.
At our booking page, click “Sign In” at the top right corner.
Once logged in, check if you are booking at your preferred outlet.
Click on “Change Studio” to change to a different POSH outlet.
Now, you may select the services of your choice.
After selecting your service,
click on “Show All Add-ons” to explore additional options you can include with your selections.
Next, to include additional services such as Pedicure, Waxing or others, click on “Add Another Service”.
Then, repeat STEP 5 as needed.
When you’re ready to book, make sure to complete this step,
as it will guide you to additional options, such as specific Therapist for your service.
STEP 7 will also guide you through selecting your preferred date and time for booking.
Finally, click “Book Reservation” to complete your payment and confirm your appointment!
Group Booking
From our website, you may find our booking page at the top left corner.
Or type booking.poshnailspa.my in your browser address bar.
At our booking page, click “Sign In” at the top right corner.
Once logged in, check if you are booking at your preferred outlet.
Click on “Change Studio” to change to a different POSH outlet.
Next, click on this option to change from “just me” to “2-6 pax”.
For bookings above 6 pax, kindly contact our Customer Support.
Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll be directed to this page to choose options for yourself and your guest.A.
Adjust the number of guests you want to book for.B.
Toggle between your own booking and your guests’ bookings.C.
Explore additional options to enhance your service.D.
Add another service, such as a nail art, hair wash or more.
Once you’ve selected for yourself, remember to select the requirements that is circled to reveal the next step.
From STEP 6, you will be directed to the page for your next guest
You can either copy the same service as yours or select the services manually.
Be sure to fill in their details!
Once all the steps are completed, you will be prompted to select your preferred Time & Date.
Finally, click “Book Reservation” to make payment and confirm booking!